About Us

"Thani" is quechua for health, we are Thani Ecuador…

Why to choose Ecuador as a medical destination?  The answer is summarized in two key points, capacity and quality.  Ecuador is a country that since its dollarization in 2000 has been one of the preferred destinations for international investors, and medicine one of the most benefited area.

Quito, its capital, has several modern hospitals, equipped with excellent technology and medical specialties at the level of any hospital in North America.

Quality is measured in its professionals, Ecuador has being one of the South American countries that sends more doctors annually to specialize in countries such as the United States, Spain and France, and who return to the country to lead medical progress in their different areas.

In conclusion, in Ecuador you will receive care in modern hospitals that are at the level of the best centers in the world, in the hands of doctors trained in the leading countries in medical residencies.

Mauricio Ibarra
Medical Doctor at Hospital Franklin
Tello & Co-Founder

If you want to be a visitor of the world, travel anywhere. If you want to experience it from it’s core come to Ecuador.

Why to choose Ecuador as a medical destination? The answer is summarized in two key points, capacity and quality. Ecuador is a country that since its dollarization in 2000 has been one of the preferred destinations for international investors, and medicine one of the most benefited area.

Quito, its capital, has several modern hospitals, equipped with excellent technology and medical specialties at the level of any hospital in North America.​

Quality is measured in its professionals, Ecuador has being one of the South American countries that sends more doctors annually to specialize in countries such as the United States, Spain and France, and who return to the country to lead medical progress in their different areas.

In conclusion, in Ecuador you will receive care in modern hospitals that are at the level of the best centers in the world, in the hands of doctors trained in the leading countries in medical residencies.

Juan José Chávez
Marketing , Business Administrator & Co-Founder